Web3 Commerce and
Affiliate Marketing Ecosystem

Easily Launch and Promote Your NFT Project

Secure and Transparent Web3 Solution

Win-Win Partnership to Promote NFTs


Efficiently grow your marketing campaigns and boost sales through an affiliate program


REminto Marketplace connects NFT creators to affiliate partners around the world


Recommend the most trending NFT products to your audience and earn commission on every mint

Incentivize your followers and partners to promote your NFT project

Launch an Affiliate Program

Define your project settings, and get your custom Smart Contract and Mint page created for you.

Display Your Offer on the Marketplace

Let affiliates see your project and promote it. Commissions are automated.

Are you interested to make passive income promoting the most trendy products to your community?

Affiliate marketing has experienced incredible growth in recent years, and if you are ready to join in, REminto is the perfect place to start.

REminto Marketplace was built to make monetizing your content hassle-free. Choose the offers that match your readers' and viewers' preferences, use easy link-building tools to direct your audience to your recommendations, and earn from every mint you refer. The process is fully decentralized and automated with the smart contracts, so it's seamless and secure.

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Would you like to become an affiliate?

Go to Marketplace


Creating an NFT Affiliate Program

An affiliate campaign is a powerful way for NFT creators to generate extra revenue and boost sales. But is it easy to get started?

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Frequently Asked Questions

Here we address your concerns and share insights about REminto platform and marketplace. Join our community to discuss more!

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How Do You Make Money by Promoting NFTs?

Affiliate marketing offers a way to generate passive income online. How is blockchain helping make affiliate marketing transparent and secure?

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